Saturday, December 6, 2008

Something to remember

Don't get caught up in the illusion that you are unworthy of anything less than Divinity, because like a star in the sky you have your place here to shine, that no matter where you go, who you meet, or what you accomplish in this lifetime, rest in knowing that you are a part of what makes the starlit sky beautiful...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Making Your Way Through The Forest

Making Your Way Through the Forest
~Carrie Hart


The more you look within, the more you will see clearly and truly. The more you invite the golden light of your soul self to flow down within you, clearing your inner eye, the more brightly will glow all that you can do and be. For it is all within you. You are, right now, everything that you need to be. You, just as you are, are exactly as you should be. There is nothing missing. There have been no mistakes.

By definition, you own the capabilities to be, express and show who you truly are. And this is what you are meant to do, to expand and glow, showing and sharing the truth that burns within you.

If you cannot see clearly where the path lies for you, do not be concerned. Sometimes it is revealed only step by step, moment by moment, like making your way through the forest in a fog. At other times, the sun shines brightly and a clearing opens for you to run across in clarity and joy.

It does not matter if you find yourself in a dense forest in the fog or in that open clearing. Either way, your shining inner self has a compass, a compass that lives in your center, deep in your heart of truth and peace. And as you feel your way along through the mossy trees, it will tell you if you are heading the right direction.

And this journey will continue until your days on the earth are over. There is no time that you will say, this is it, this is finally what I am meant to do or be. For you are already there. You are already who you are meant to be. It does not take any struggle to become yourself, for this is already achieved. And this is why your circumstances do not matter, because you have already arrived.

For in the forest of life, you only find yourself. In the depths and in the clearings, in the dappled sunshine and in the darkest undergrowth, all you find is yourself. And in truth, you are already what you seek.

Relax and be. Relax and be. Reach in and find yourself and then expand. Begin by expanding from your center, letting the golden light from your soul self fill you and set you aglow. Expand out and out. And eventually, what you do with your time here will be a reflection of this glow and you will be offered opportunities to use the glow that is you more and more. And a day will come when your truth will shine out so brightly that every word from your mouth and every movement you make will be a complete expression of your truth, pure and unsullied, and all confusion will go away. And you will shine out with a light so bright that the forest will be seen as what it is, a dream, a shadow, insubstantial, something you can see right through.

And this glow may last a moment only or it may last an hour, a day. But it will show you what is possible. And the more time you spend in that brightest glow, the more the forest will be there but not there, the more you will not even need a sun-filled clearing to run across, for the sunshine will be within you, generated by your own glow, and you will find that you can run through the trees just for the sheer joy of being.

And then, for that moment, that hour, that day, you can also lift yourself up and out of the forest altogether, to become one with the great glow that is the glow of all, of the highest and widest, of the very mind and heart of God, the glow of being and flowing and oneness, the ground state of being, the I Am presence, the heart and soul of all that is.

Touch this bright glow with your soul. Be one with it. Then carry it back down within you, to make your own truth brighter and clearer. For in the end, it is all one truth and that truth is love.

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Uniting Flesh and Spirit

"For it is not so much that we must seek to transcend existence, but that we must first descend into it. We are already above, the only thing left is to *Dive.

Thus we come down only so as to go up higher. We descend only so as to ascend. We fall only that we may learn how to eternally fly. For the only way to learn how to fly is to leap into the darkness below.

For it is only through this world that we may come to grow above it; what does not put down roots, shall never climb towards the sun. No seed grows toward the sky, without first germinating in the dark and perilous tribulations it will eventually no longer call "hell". For like seeds which first must leave the ~loving~ *Light, we suffer as we descend into the darkness- we struggle to blossom in the mire. Oh, there is no vision in the black soil; the seed buried beneath the cold earth shudders at the confinement as it begins to grow out of itself. It knows yet nothing of the sun, and even less of the heliotropic self cannot help but naturally *Become.......................................

When the spirit fully descends into and inhabits the flesh, liberating the slumbering consciousness trapped in matter, that is when there is no longer a driver and a vehicle, but instead there is a *Dance. For the awakened flesh-consciousness, the voice of matter is now in concert with the spirit,and the two are operating as one whole, joined in wedlock, united and without distance, and separation has become *Togetherness."

~Excerpted from ROOTS AND WINGS, by Jack Haas

With Love,

Warrior of the Light

~Warrior Of The Light~

The Warrior of the Light sometimes behaves like water, flowing around the obstacles he encounters.

Occasionally, resistance might mean destruction, and so he adapts to the circumstances.He accepts, without complaint, that the stones in his path hinder his way through the mountains.

Therein lies the strength of water: It cannot be touched by a hammer or ripped to shreds by a knife.The strongest sword in the world cannot scar it's surface.

The river adapts itself to whatever route proves possible, but the river never forgets it's one objective: The Sea.

~Paulo Coelho ~from "Warrior of the Light"

*You can trust that when you empower your Spirit, you will be moving ever closer to *Home, the *Blissful Paradise of your longings."

With Love and Light*,

Ten Ways to Make Peace with the Past

Ten Ways to Make Peace With The Past And Create A New Future

~Suzanne Gold

Everyone comes into life with a purpose. You are a unique expression of the universal life force at the foundation of your being. Spirit guides you from the moment your life begins, and the people and events of your life reflect your soul's journey.

*No one else ever has or will affect the world as you do. With every act, word or thought, you are adding to All-That-Is.*

Your family is your first and most influential bond. What you learn from them colors the the way you see yourself and the world. As a child, your physical helplessness makes you dependent on the people closest to you for survival. Too often those relationships are destructive instead of supportive. The family you join already has tendencies: patterns, beliefs, and attitudes which they expect you to share. Going along gets you what you need, so you adapt to fit in. But when you ignore your instincts, you don't feel right. You create the opposite of what you intend.

The good news is you don't have to be a victim of your upbringing. Although a dysfunctional family can crush your self-esteem, confuse you, and wreck your relationships, the distortion of your natural instincts can be reversed. Your problems can show you what you don't want and inspire you to go after what you'd rather have, so you can set yourself free to become the person you want to be and building a life you love.

This doesn't necessarily mean getting along better with your relatives. You make peace with the past by treating difficult situations, thoughts, and feelings as opportunities to unravel the knots in your heart and mind that keep you from realizing your dreams. You create a new future by drawing on your innate wisdom to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. When you do your best, you tap into a power that's been within you all along, in even the worst circumstances, even when you weren't aware of it.

No matter what happens, trust that what you go through will enlighten you. Don't be discouraged. The most important thing is dedication to trying new things and learning from your experience. Change doesn't happen overnight—it comes little by little, more and more, deepening your ability to love, create, and make a difference personally and in society.

So how do you go about doing this?

Here are ten ways to spark change in your life and relationships:

Find your own preferences

Your new course is first an internal one, which paves the way for external changes. If you're not satisfied with your life as it is, start by imagining that it can get better. What happens in your life is largely up to you, so take time every day to think about what you want. Be willing to try new things. Pay close attention to ideas and feelings that light you up. Allow yourself to feel excited about your possibilities. Courage is accepting reality as it is and working with it to create what you want. Do what uplifts you. What you dedicate yourself to, you can create.

Tap into your inner wisdom

When you hear the "little voice of wisdom" inside, listen. Within you is a guidance system that makes itself known through your ideas and emotions. Trust it. If something doesn't feel right, it may mean that it's not for you. Wonder about why not, and what you'd like instead. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Your instincts lead you to where you need to go at the perfect moment for the best results. Life can be confusing, and some people do try to manipulate you in devious ways. Stand your ground. Believe in yourself in the face of criticism. No one else can tell you what you need or want. Don't second-guess yourself. Do what you think is best at the moment.

Develop a positive attitude

Spirit underlies everything. You didn't come here to prove your worth or to find a problem and fix it. You came to express your talents and abilities, to realize your dreams. What you experience depends on how you look at it. How you interpret things plays a large part in shaping your behavior and how others treat you. Search for the positive. Focusing on the negative dulls your energy and ability to cope. No matter how bad a situation seems, find something in it to appreciate. Ask yourself, what good could come from this? What can I learn here? The answers you get show you what to do next. You already have inside you the resources to make peace with the past and create a new future. You just have to learn how to use them.

Get a bigger picture

Be on the lookout for destructive habitual patterns. Noticing is the first step to breaking them. Don't fight them, just observe your thoughts and feelings. The deeper you can go, the more you unravel the stuck places in your heart and mind. Bring spirit into the process by inviting metaphysical help in any form that works for you. You don't have to convince anyone of your right to have your life as you want it. Criticism may be only an automatic response based in the critic's own fears. Be influenced by others' opinions only if they inspire you.

Communicate effectively

Be kind. Tell the truth. Speak carefully. Emphasize the positive. Say good things. Be aware of your effect on others. Don't assume you're being understood-- check it out. Make things right. Know when to shut up or decline to answer. Don't interrupt. Don't give unsolicited advice. Don't gossip. When you realize you've made a mistake, apologize. Choose your battles. Why make yourself a target? Watch what you listen to. Allow different points of view. Pay attention not only to what someone says-- try to understand why they're saying it. Don't brag, one-up, pretend you're something you're not, or congratulate yourself too much. Don't think of yourself as better than most. Don't put up with disrespect, manipulation or negative thinking from anyone, including yourself.

Set your own standards

Life isn't about success or failure. Although both teach valuable lessons, fulfilling your potential is the essential goal. Adversity can develop strength. If a dream sours, let it go without judgment or remorse. Assume it's no longer relevant, and look for new options. Even a losing battle can be a stepping-stone to a better situation. Accepting change brings peace of mind.

You get exactly what you need to wake up

You are not responsible for anyone else, nor are they for you. Relationships are like jigsaw puzzles. All the pieces fit together to create the whole. That means there's no reason for guilt, blame, or shame. Allow things to be as they are. Accept each moment as if you'd chosen it. If someone hurts you, look for what you can learn from it. Holding a grudge only drains your energy. Forgiveness doesn't mean that what happened was okay with you; it means releasing the person's power to upset you. You may never forget, but letting go of resentment is more productive. This goes double for forgiving yourself.

Nurture yourself

Make time to have fun and enjoy yourself. Take walks in nature. Spend time alone. Exercise, rest and eat when you need to, and drink lots of water. Something as simple as a warm bath or good stretch can do wonders in improving your perspective. Laugh. Let yourself dream your fondest dreams. Celebrate your successes, big and small. Meditation calms your conscious thinking mind, and helps you access your inner wisdom. Counting your breaths is the basic form, or you can silently repeat a soothing word or phrase like "peace" or "well-being." When your mind wanders, and it will, just bring your focus back and start over. Even ten minutes a day can make a difference.

See beyond your blind spots

Get counseling, either by yourself or with family members. It helps to talk about your feelings, no matter how embarrassing, strange or awful they seem to you. Find someone you trust and feel compatible with, and be willing to pour your heart out. An objective outsider can help you clear up confusion and set your creative energy free. Examine both sides of any issue. Don't follow advice blindly, but do explore ideas that make sense to you to see what happens. Join a group of people with similar interests or circumstances to yours to reassure yourself that you're not alone. Try art, sports, music, or dance for fun and/or therapy. Don't expect The Answer, but serve yourself a variety of ideas to take or leave as you like.

Graduate to living fully

Respect your own boundaries. Your first commitment should be to yourself and to learning as much as possible from what happens to you. Do what you can, and do your best, but not at your own expense. Only when you're at peace with yourself can you make a real contribution to anyone. Live your own truth, be honorable, and intend the best for everyone, including yourself. Trying to change someone is futile, no matter how much you care, or how badly you think they need it. You have no control over what anyone else feels or thinks. Working things through can be healing when there's mutual respect, but if you feel hopeless, scape-goated, threatened or frantic, retreat may be the only appropriate choice, at least for the moment. You may need to leave the room briefly, or something as extreme as ending the relationship or moving away. But your changes alter the context of the relationship, so be open to the possibility that the "problem" person may come to treat you differently. If so, you may want to renew the relationship, but don't rush into it until you're confident that things have changed. To leave your mark on future generations, pass along what you learn.

I wish you healing, faith and the courage to make your dreams come true.

Peace, Love, and Endless Blessings,


You Hold the Key


~ Carrie Hart

Look down into your hand. See the key within it, lying there, sparkling and glowing in the light. The key that unlocks all of the secrets. The key that opens all of the doors. It is right in the palm of your hand.

It is not something you need to seek through travel or even through study. It is there within your experience, the experience of living another day. Each day is your teacher. Each person you meet, each thought you have, each choice that you make. All of these events and experiences teach you.

And what does it mean to be continually taught? It means that doors continually open. It means that each day, each moment, you hold a new key to a new door. The doors are opening continually.

It may seem difficult and overwhelming to you, the rate at which the world changes. You feel that you have just begun to understand something and already it is gone from sight, with something new taking its place.

But the human heart does not change. The human heart is deep and endless, with layers and layers to be discovered, and the journey into your own heart and that of others has been made by many before you and will be made by many more after your own journey is complete. And this key, the key to the mysteries of the human heart, is also lying in the palm of your hand.

Every feeling you have is shared. It is all a part of the experience that all have. And as you find ways to express your experience, true ways, deep ways, you will find a resonance among others who are at the same stage of experience as you are. You will find a kinship and resonance as you reach out with your newfound knowledge and help a few others take the step with you or just behind you. And they will also take their keys and open doors, some for you and some for themselves.

Even though you may feel alone, this journey is never made alone. Traveling with you are many who are experiencing the same thing. There is a group energy that is felt and shared in everything that you do. Every crack in your own heart that you heal, heals the hearts of others. The expression of true love that you share lifts everyone to a higher level. Every discovery you make about your own soul enlightens all. Every song you sing that lifts your spirits, lifts the spirit of all humanity, even though you may think that you sing it alone.

You are deeply connected to all that is, right now, right where you are, even though you may think you are alone. You are not alone, ever. Your experience is a part of the experience of all of life. And the evolution of all mankind is aided by your personal evolution.

It is not selfish to focus on your own enlightenment, for everything you discover, every door you open, is then made available for everyone else to walk through as well. Every dream of love that you have is another way for all to dream, another way for all to be. Every kind act and kind thought, every breath of peace felt deep, lifts all who breathe. Every moment spent in meditation or pure contemplation is a moment of peace shared by all who seek peace.

Your beauty, your song, your kind thoughts and deeds are immensely important to all. They float into the ether and touch all of life. They enter into the vast consciousness of being and make everything that much brighter forever. And nothing is more important than that key put into your hand each day at dawn, so that you may open a new door that only you can see at this moment, as a great opening for all mankind.

Open something, some small new thing. A new breath of peace. An allowance, an acceptance, an appreciation, a beauty. Love this moment with all of your heart. Let its newness shine within you, let its peace unfold in your heart and the entire universe is lifted by your action, your thought, your gesture.

Look in your hand. Which door shall you open for us all today?

Disempowering the Ego

~Disempowering The Ego*~

If you've been on a conscious spiritual journey for any time at all, you have likely figured out that there is an aspect of you that is working overtime to keep you out of Nirvana. That pesky entity is none other than your ego. Your ego, however, does not realize it is a problem; instead, it believes itself to be your heroic savior and the only thing standing between you and extinction.

Indeed, the ego is correct in this-without your ego, there would be no "you." Your ego is the aspect of your psyche that maintains the idea that you are an individuated, separate, autonomous being. Laboring under this notion, it attempts to steward your life according to this model, and rebels at the notion that you are actually one with all Creation.

Your ego is entirely invested in the duality matrix-the reality model that turns on there being more than one. The duality matrix is not "evil," it's just not suitable for human habitation, The problem with duality for human beings is that there is no lasting joy, no contentment, no peace to be found within it. And, because it does not support your full interface with the Source of Life Force, duality is, literally, the realm of death. Your tether to the duality matrix is your ego. If the tether were broken and you escaped the lower frequencies of the duality matrix and re-entered the high-frequency state of Oneness, you would find that there is no "you"-or "I"-there's only.well.Everything. In Oneness, there's only un-compartmentalized, pronoun-less, infinite Consciousness and limitless Life Force. As you can see, because your ego depends on the concepts of individuation and separateness for its existence, Oneness is your ego's greatest threat. But the higher frequencies of Oneness, the realm of your Spirit, is where everything you long for- harmony, peace, bliss, true wisdom, and free-flowing ease-resides! Are you seeing an irreconcilable difference here?

And, yet, reconciliation is what is called for. You must disempower your ego by simply refusing to allow it to drive you, and choosing to let the part of you that is perfectly interfaced with Oneness guide you instead. It won't do to struggle with ego-fighting it is exactly what will keep you in the duality matrix and empower it further. Duality, which is, by definition, two forces in opposition (good vs. evil, right vs. wrong, etc.), is always strengthened by conflict, as conflict is the very hallmark of duality.

Forces in opposition do not create peace, harmony, or joy. So fighting your ego is a losing game.

In fact, offering Love to your ego, while still refusing to buy into its dramas, is far more effective. Remember that your ego is simply doing what it needs to do to survive, and, like any entity that is fighting for survival, it can be vicious and tenacious. The more threatened it perceives itself to be, the more deeply it digs in.

So the trick to disempowering your ego is to observe it, say "thanks-but no thanks," and re-tune your receiver to the broadcast of your Spirit.

Yes-maintaining a sole focus on your Spirit and empowering your Spirit's full stewardship of your life is the path to rising above your ego, but you will likely find that your ego is doing its best to keep that from happening. So, until you have risen out of the duality matrix to the place where the ego has no power, it is important to observe your inner dynamics to recognize the tune ego is playing and know when ego has managed to cut in on your dance with Spirit.

The true saving grace here is that your conscious mind has free will about whose tune to dance to, and you can choose not to respond to your ego. In order to make that choice, however, it is helpful to understand your ego's modus operandi, to know who is running its show (or, to continue the dance metaphor, who is writing the music it is playing), and to recognize when ego has taken control of the dance floor.

While your ego and your brain, the primitive brain structure that houses your autonomic nervous system and your primal, reflexive instincts, are not one and the same entity, it is instructive to know that the brain acts as the "puppet master" for the psychological overlay that is your ego. The brain is the part of us that is consumed with survival issues, thrives on fear, and is continually concerned with the preservation and conservation of self, tribe, and possessions. It is the instinctive part of human nature that snaps into action to protect you without a reasoning process being involved. The brain is definitely not Oneness oriented, but oriented toward survival of your physical being, and sees status as a key element of your survival. The brain is not "bad," indeed, it plays a vital role. Without it, you would not able to stay embodied, and your being in a body is an important part of the Creator's plan. But your brain is not meant to be in charge of your life, as it is simply not the aspect of you that is going to take you where you want to be in consciousness, or provide the spiritual freedom you long for. At it's core, the ego embodies what the brain embodies-separation and reactive protection from perceived threats (whether they are actual or not), with a "specialty" in status preservation. With this part of you calling the shots, what are the chances for joy, harmony, peace and a sense of free-flowing ease?

Your Spirit, on the other hand, is a Oneness entity. It exists above duality, where wholeness, harmony, peace, and flow are the hallmarks of existence. There is no conflict in this realm; indeed, when there is only One, there is nothing to come into conflict. Your Spirit's identity is Love. Period. Your Spirit has no status issues-status is a duality matter, as status requires comparison, and in Oneness, there is nothing to compare.

Your Spirit is the highest frequency aspect of you, and by virtue of its constant, perfect interface with the Source of All, is omniscient and omnipotent.

** Becoming more fully vibrationally merged with your Spirit is the goal on the spiritual pathway, as it is where everything you deeply long for exists.

True wisdom, harmony, bliss, wholeness, and free-flowing ease are accessible only by being interfaced properly with your Spirit.

You simply can't be fully interfaced with your Spirit and experience the perfection of the Divine Design for Wholeness and Harmony that is Oneness. when you are being receptive to your ego's messages of separation, fear, and paranoia.

So how do you begin to consciously disempower your ego, withdraw from duality, and more fully embrace Oneness?

First, identify when ego is calling the shots by paying attention to what is going on in your emotional and mental bodies.

Emotionally, be aware of what you are feeling. Are you experiencing joy? Or are you experiencing less-than-joy? When your ego is engaged, your feeling nature is depressed or distressed, you feel a shutting down of your solar plexus and your heart center, and anger, sadness, or numbness manifest.

When, however, you are properly aligned with your Spirit, you experience varying degrees of joy. Indeed, the feeling response to operating at the higher frequency range that is the realm of your Spirit ranges from simple joy-that light, open, heart-leaping-up feeling that arises when you move upward in frequency, feel more cohesiveness with your world, and feel more Life Force moving through you-to total ecstasy, which is the overwhelming electrical experience of being fully aligned with Source's awesome power.

You might call joy the carrot that the Creator installed in the plan to assure that we are never without a compass to find our way Home, and that we never lose our desire for our authentic state, Oneness.

**When you are in true joy, it means that you have transcended your ego. If you are not in joy, it means that your ego is engaged.

To keep ego from raining on your joy parade, stay present with your mental processes to see what is going on, and make conscious choices about where you will place your focus-in duality, or in Oneness. Duality is a powerful habit, and is thoroughly supported by our culture, but you do have a choice of how deeply invested you are in it. By being mindful, you can begin to pull the plug on its power in your life.

*Mentally, you'll know you are immersed in duality and that your ego has taken over when you notice yourself in judgment. Judgment is the crown jewel of the duality matrix. When you are comparing and judging yourself or others, ego is at the helm. If your thoughts are defense-oriented, you know that the brain is acting through your ego.

When you notice this going on, you can simply withdraw your energy from it, and refuse to play ego's game. You can intentionally shift to Oneness by choosing to relax and be drawn upward in frequency into alignment with the Divine Design for Wholeness and Harmony, and to radiate Love, the primary activity of this Divine Design. You can tap into compassion-for yourself, first and foremost-and remind yourself that only Love will put you where you want to be.

Let's look at a practical example of ego interfering, and some possible ways to handle it. Allow me first, though, to explain that your ego has no concept of Divine Order-no understanding of the larger, cohesive story that is unfolding according to the Divine Design for Wholeness and Harmony that you can align with simply by releasing the stewardship of your life to your Spirit. Your ego's vision is limited to the world it can observe with the senses, and being embroiled in the duality matrix such that it is, means that the world it can observe is usually not free-flowing, harmonious, cohesive, or orderly, and most often seems threatening. So, it goes into automatic control mode as a misguided means of survival-in fact, it stays there most of the time. Your ego always believes it knows what is supposed to be happening, and when what it observes does not match up with what it believes it should be seeing, it leaps to the idea that things are going very wrong.

The discrepancy between what your ego perceives as right, and what is actually aligned with the Divine Design for Wholeness and Harmony is, probably, the single greatest source of frequency-lowering, duality-matrix reinforcement.

Okay. Imagine a situation in which your goal is to open a spiritual center. Say you have meditated and prayed and have received a beautiful vision of what this center is to be and what it will provide as a blessing to the world. Imagine, too, that you have found the ideal place for this center, and you have made an offer on it. You are feeling so great about what is unfolding, and you are just certain that everything is falling into place. Your Spirit is soaring! Now, imagine that you are notified that not only has your offer on THE perfect place been turned down, but that this place-YOUR special place-has been sold to someone else-and that someone doesn't even have a spiritual purpose in mind for it! What is your response? Now, be 100% honest with yourself. If your first thought is anything but an immediate "Wow-this means that something even more appropriate is on the way!" your ego has jumped in. Most likely, your ego immediately assumes that something has gone wrong, that the seller is an idiot, that something is wrong with you, that the world is against you, etc., etc. Whatever its litany, you can be sure that when your ego jumps in, your frequency drops, and you slide right on down the scale, out of the joy space, and into the nether regions of less-than-joy, where, by the way, your vibrational frequency will not likely attract anything very desirable into your experience! (So don't bother looking for another property while in that state of being!)
What can you do when this occurs?

The most effective thing is to snap out of it, realize your ego has hijacked you, and make "Wow-this means that something even more appropriate is on the way!" your second response. If this just doesn't fly, and your ego won't seem to let go of the idea that, indeed, it has unfairly lost out on the perfect place, then what you need to do is surrender to your Spirit, and reaffirm your understanding of the Truth and of the perfection of the Divine Design. If you can't quite get there, then do anything that will raise your frequency back up to where you can see those things.

Since your consciousness is lowered proportionately when you're at lower frequency, and any Truth that you have ever known always seems to have flown out the window when you're there, it's helpful to have a list of a few never-fail frequency-raising activities at hand. Some of the ones that seem to be universally helpful are uplifting music, communing with Nature, meditation and prayer, breathwork, aromatherapy, exercise, and hydrotherapy, but I'm sure you have some personal favorites to add. Of course, a little grieving or other stress release first will greatly expedite the frequency-raising process.

The higher your frequency, the less the duality matrix can affect you, and the more easily you can listen to your Spirit's message of harmony and Divine Order, and thus, tune out the grating voice of your ego. And, in the above example, the more likely it is that the true "ideal place" for your spiritual center will be able to reveal itself to you. Not to mention, you'll probably find out that the place you "lost" was built over a toxic waste dump or is going to be demolished to make way for a new freeway! But no matter whether you ever know the higher level reason or not, the choice to experience harmony, joy, ease, and freedom is a simple matter of who you empower: your ego, or your Spirit.

*You can trust that when you empower your Spirit, you will be moving ever closer to Home, the blissful Paradise of your longings.

~Julia Rogers Hamrick(You Can't Get to Paradise on an Ego Trip* )

Love to you all~~~~